
                                                                      Life is not that easy. Life is what you make it. No matters what you're going to mess up sometimes.But the good part is, you get to decide how you're going to mess it up. People will come, they'll act anyway. But the fact is people come to go. And I hate to say it, but actually pretty much of them will break you. But you shouldn't give up because if you do so, you'll never find those halves who makes you whole.Just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. so keep on trying, hold on, believe in yourself, keep your head high and most importantly keep smiling because there's so much to smile about and have an idea of big life.

                                                                                 Big life, the life that matters, the life that makes a difference. The life where stuff happens, where people take actions. A big life, totally opposite of life where one can't even talk the one they want, the opposite of life where friends aren't even good friends and lots of days are wasted feeling bored  and kind of okay like nothing matters much at all. Big moments doesn't make a big life. I just don't think of looking the big moments in life anymore. It's the simple one that make a beautiful day now. Like the sun rising, the moon shining bright, the leaves dancing and the winds singing, grass standing gracefully wearing dewdrop's crown, rose smiling and the butterflies twirling, heart smiles staying and me being witness to all those things.

                                                                                     It was worse loosing my mind to find my way. But now I stopped worrying so much and then my love became free. I started softening and found my strength. I got things so wrong and realized everything was gonna be alright. When i allowed myself  to be confused, I started hearing my inner voice. When I stopped fighting the pain, I started being more present. When i stopped making things perfect, I realized they were beautiful enough as they are. Life just has it's own way of making everything perfect and beautiful in the most surprising way and that's way I call life an adventure.



Ravi Maurya said…
Great lines...
Truth about life...

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