Very few times in my life...

                                                               Very few times in my life, I truly believe I find someone who can completely turn my world around. I tell them things that I've never shared with any another usual soul and they absorb everything I say and actually wanna listen more. I share hopes for future, the dreams that will never come true, the goals that were never achieved and many disappointments life has thrown at me. When something wonderful happens, I can't wait to tell them about it, knowingly they'll share my excitement. They're not embarrassed to cry with me when I'm hurt or laugh with me when I make fool of Myself. Never do they hurt my feelings or make me feel like I'm not good enough, but rather they build me up and show me things about myself that make me special and unique. There's never any jealousy, pressure or competition but only a quite calmness when they're around. I can totally be myself and not worry about what they'll think of me because they love me for who I am.

                                                             The thing that seems insignificant to most people such as note, song or walk becomes invaluable treasure kept safe in my heart to cherish forever. Colors of life seems more brighter. Laughter seems as a part of daily life. A phone call during a day or two helps me get through a long day's work and always bring a smile on my face. In their presence, there's no need for continuous conversation, but I find I'm quite content in having them nearby. The things that never interested me before , becomes more fantastic. I find strength in knowing I've true friends who will remain loyal till the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile.

                                                             I'm not an easy person to be with. I probably won't even try to make it easy for you. I'll be really difficult at times. It may seem like I don't want them and I don't like them, but I do love them. I'll be a challenge because I'm not the type of person who people walk all over. I'm not the person who puts up with bullshit. I'm not the type of person who will give them sympathy comments. When i say something, I mean it. I people are bad to me, I throw them out of my life. I'm annoying, I'm hilarious and I'm world's biggest jerk. I'll make them punch walls. I'll ruin their day and save it at very last minute. I'll drive them crazy and sometimes they'll hate my guts. But even though all that's going to happen and I swear it will. Indeed I've an amazing side to me. I've a giant heart. I'll try and untangle theirs by listening and loving. I won't stop caring about them even if they push me away. 


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